Comprehensive comparison between nuclear power system and fossil-fired power system by port side an initial inquiry on urgent need and the feasibility of gradually carring out the substitution of nuclear for coal in Fujian Province 核电系统和港口火电系统的综合比较&初探在福建逐步实行以核代煤的迫切性和可能性
This paper introduces the concept of the order of infinitely large magnitudes, discusses the order of power, exponential and logarithmic functions and proves the rules of operation and the substitution theorem of the infinitely large magnitudes. 本文,引入了无穷大阶的概念,讨论了幂函数、指数函数与对数函数的无穷大的阶,证明了无穷大的运算法则和替换定理。
The administration power of higher education is a complex system. The phenomena of power substitution is intricate and involves extensively. 高等教育管理权力是一个复杂的系统,权力更替现象是错综复杂而又牵涉极为广泛的。
So, Based on different body's power balance, if corporate utility-possibility frontier is equal to the marginal rate of substitution of stock and debt, that decides realistic financing structure. 公司法人按利益主体实力对比和最后均衡结果,当公司权益的边际效用与债务的边际效用之比和权益债务边际转换率相等时,决定了现实的融资结构。